Search Results: "Colin Watson"

16 November 2017

Colin Watson: Kitten Block equivalent for Firefox 57

I ve been using Kitten Block for years, since I don t really need the blood pressure spike caused by accidentally following links to certain UK newspapers. Unfortunately it hasn t been ported to Firefox 57. I tried emailing the author a couple of months ago, but my email bounced. However, if your primary goal is just to block the websites in question rather than seeing kitten pictures as such (let s face it, the internet is not short of alternative sources of kitten pictures), then it s easy to do with uBlock Origin. After installing the extension if necessary, go to Tools Add-ons Extensions uBlock Origin Preferences My filters, and add and, each on its own line. (Of course you can easily add more if you like.) Voil : instant tranquility. Incidentally, this also works fine on Android. The fact that it was easy to install a good ad blocker without having to mess about with a rooted device or strange proxy settings was the main reason I switched to Firefox on my phone.

26 September 2017

Colin Watson: A mysterious bug with Twisted plugins

I fixed a bug in Launchpad recently that led me deeper than I expected. Launchpad uses Buildout as its build system for Python packages, and it s served us well for many years. However, we re using 1.7.1, which doesn t support ensuring that packages required using setuptools setup_requires keyword only ever come from the local index URL when one is specified; that s an essential constraint we need to be able to impose so that our build system isn t immediately sensitive to downtime or changes in PyPI. There are various issues/PRs about this in Buildout (e.g. #238), but even if those are fixed it ll almost certainly only be in Buildout v2, and upgrading to that is its own kettle of fish for other reasons. All this is a serious problem for us because newer versions of many of our vital dependencies (Twisted and testtools, to name but two) use setup_requires to pull in pbr, and so we ve been stuck on old versions for some time; this is part of why Launchpad doesn t yet support newer SSH key types, for instance. This situation obviously isn t sustainable. To deal with this, I ve been working for some time on switching to virtualenv and pip. This is harder than you might think: Launchpad is a long-lived and complicated project, and it had quite a number of explicit and implicit dependencies on Buildout s configuration and behaviour. Upgrading our infrastructure from Ubuntu 12.04 to 16.04 has helped a lot (12.04 s baseline virtualenv and pip have some deficiencies that would have required a more complicated bootstrapping procedure). I ve dealt with most of these: for example, I had to reorganise a lot of our helper scripts (1, 2, 3), but there are still a few more things to go. One remaining problem was that our Buildout configuration relied on building several different environments with different Python paths for various things. While this would technically be possible by way of building multiple virtualenvs, this would inflate our build time even further (we re already going to have to cope with some slowdown as a result of using virtualenv, because the build system now has to do a lot more than constructing a glorified link farm to a bunch of cached eggs), and it seems like unnecessary complexity. The obvious thing to do seemed to be to collapse these into a single environment, since there was no obvious reason why it should actually matter if txpkgupload and txlongpoll were carefully kept off the path when running most of Launchpad: so I did that. Then our build system got very sad. Hmm, I thought. To keep our test times somewhat manageable, we run them in parallel across 20 containers, and we randomise the order in which they run to try to shake out test isolation bugs. It s not completely unknown for there to be some oddities resulting from that. So I ran it again. Nope, but slightly differently sad this time. Furthermore, I couldn t reproduce these failures locally no matter how hard I tried. Oh dear. This was obviously not going to be a good day. In fact I spent a while on various different guesswork-based approaches. I found bug 571334 in Ampoule, an AMP-based process pool implementation that we use for some job runners, and proposed a fix for that, but cherry-picking that fix into Launchpad didn t help matters. I tried backing out subsets of my changes and determined that if both txlongpoll and txpkgupload were absent from the Python module path in the context of the tests in question then everything was fine. I tried running strace locally and staring at the output for some time in the hope of enlightenment: that reminded me that the two packages in question install modules under twisted.plugins, which did at least establish a reason they might affect the environment that was more plausible than magic, but nothing much more specific than that. On Friday I was fiddling about with this again and trying to insert some more debugging when I noticed some interesting behaviour around plugin caching. If I caused the txpkgupload plugin to raise an exception when loaded, the Twisted plugin system would remove its dropin.cache (because it was stale) and not create a new one (because there was now no content to put in it). After that, running the relevant tests would fail as I d seen in our buildbot. Aha! This meant that I could also reproduce it by doing an even cleaner build than I d previously tried to do, by removing the cached txpkgupload and txlongpoll eggs and allowing the build system to recreate them. When they were recreated, they didn t contain dropin.cache, instead allowing that to be created on first use. Based on this clue I was able to get to the answer relatively quickly. Ampoule has a specialised bootstrapping sequence for its worker processes that starts by doing this:
from twisted.application import reactors
Now, twisted.application.reactors.installReactor calls twisted.plugin.getPlugins, so the very start of this bootstrapping sequence is going to involve loading all plugins found on the module path (I assume it s possible to write a plugin that adds an alternative reactor implementation). If dropin.cache is up to date, then it will just get the information it needs from that; but if it isn t, it will go ahead and import the plugin. If the plugin happens (as Twisted code often does) to run from twisted.internet import reactor at some point while being imported, then that will install the platform s default reactor, and then twisted.application.reactors.installReactor will raise ReactorAlreadyInstalledError. Since Ampoule turns this into an info-level log message for some reason, and the tests in question only passed through error-level messages or higher, this meant that all we could see was that a worker process had exited non-zero but not why. The Twisted documentation recommends generating the plugin cache at build time for other reasons, but we weren t doing that. Fixing that makes everything work again. There are still a few more things needed to get us onto pip, but we re now pretty close. After that we can finally start bringing our dependencies up to date.

29 August 2017

Colin Watson: env chdir

I was recently asked to sort things out so that snap builds on Launchpad could themselves install snaps as build-dependencies. To make this work we need to start doing builds in LXD containers rather than in chroots. As a result I ve been doing some quite extensive refactoring of launchpad-buildd: it previously had the assumption that it was going to use a chroot for everything baked into lots of untested helper shell scripts, and I ve been rewriting those in Python with unit tests and with a single Backend abstraction that isolates the high-level logic from the details of where each build is being performed. This is all interesting work in its own right, but it s not what I want to talk about here. While I was doing all this refactoring, I ran across a couple of methods I wrote a while back which looked something like this:
def chroot(self, args, echo=False):
    """Run a command in the chroot.
    :param args: the command and arguments to run.
    args = set_personality(
        args, self.options.arch, series=self.options.series)
    if echo:
        print("Running in chroot: %s" %
              ' '.join("'%s'" % arg for arg in args))
        "/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot", self.chroot_path] + args)
def run_build_command(self, args, env=None, echo=False):
    """Run a build command in the chroot.
    This is unpleasant because we need to run it in /build under sudo
    chroot, and there's no way to do this without either a helper
    program in the chroot or unpleasant quoting.  We go for the
    unpleasant quoting.
    :param args: the command and arguments to run.
    :param env: dictionary of additional environment variables to set.
    args = [shell_escape(arg) for arg in args]
    if env:
        args = ["env"] + [
            "%s=%s" % (key, shell_escape(value))
            for key, value in env.items()] + args
    command = "cd /build && %s" % " ".join(args)
    self.chroot(["/bin/sh", "-c", command], echo=echo)
(I ve already replaced the chroot method with a call to, but it s easier to see what I m talking about in the original form.) One thing to notice about this code is that it uses several adverbial commands: that is, commands that run another command in a different way. For example, sudo runs another command as another user, while chroot runs another command with a different root directory, and env runs another command with different environment variables set. These commands chain neatly, and they also have the useful property that they take the subsidiary command and its arguments as a list of arguments. coreutils has several other commands that behave this way, and adverbio is another useful example. By contrast, su -c is something you might call a quasi-adverbial command: it does modify the behaviour of another command, but it takes it as a single argument which it then passes to sh -c. Every time you have something that s passed to a shell like this, you need a corresponding layer of shell quoting to escape any shell metacharacters that should be interpreted literally. This is often cumbersome and is easy to get wrong. My Python implementation is as follows, and I wouldn t be totally surprised to discover that it contained a bug:
import re
non_meta_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9+,./:=@_-]+$')
def shell_escape(arg):
    if non_meta_re.match(arg):
        return arg
        return "'%s'" % arg.replace("'", "'\\''")
Python >= 3.3 has shlex.quote, which is an improvement and we should probably use that instead, but it s still another thing to forget to call. This is why process-spawning libraries such as Python s subprocess, Perl s system and open, and my own libpipeline for C encourage programmers to use a list syntax and to avoid involving the shell entirely wherever possible. One thing that the standard Unix tools don t let you do in an adverbial way is to change your working directory, and I ve run into this annoying limitation several times. This means that it s difficult to chain that operation together with other adverbs, for example to run a command in a particular working directory inside a chroot. The workaround I used above was to invoke a shell that runs cd /build && ..., but that s another command that s only quasi-adverbial, since the extra shell means an extra layer of shell quoting. (Ian Jackson rightly observes that you can in fact write the necessary adverb as something like sh -ec 'cd "$1"; shift; exec "$@"' chdir. I think that s a bit uglier than I ideally want to use in production code, but you might reasonably think that it s worth it to avoid the extra layer of shell quoting.) I therefore decided that this was a feature that belonged in coreutils, and after a bit of mailing list discussion we felt it was best implemented as a new option to env(1). I sent a patch for this which has been accepted. This means that we have a new composable adverb, env --chdir=NEWDIR, which will allow the run_build_command method above to be rewritten as something like this:
def run_build_command(self, args, env=None, echo=False):
    """Run a build command in the chroot.
    :param args: the command and arguments to run.
    :param env: dictionary of additional environment variables to set.
    env_args = ["env", "--chdir=/build"]
    if env:
        for key, value in env.items():
            env_args.append("%s=%s" % (key, value))
    self.chroot(env_args + args, echo=echo)
The env --chdir option will be in coreutils 8.28. We won t be able to use it in launchpad-buildd until that s available in all Ubuntu series we might want to build for, so in this particular application that s going to take a few years; but other applications may well be able to make use of it sooner.

27 June 2017

Colin Watson: New address book

I ve had a kludgy mess of electronic address books for most of two decades, and have got rather fed up with it. My stack consisted of: The biggest practical problem with this was that I had the address book that was most convenient for me to add things to (Google Contacts) and the one I used when sending email, and no sensible way to merge them or move things between them. I also wasn t especially comfortable with having all my contact information in a proprietary web service. My goals for a replacement address book system were: I think I have all this now! New stack The obvious basic technology to use is CardDAV: it s fairly complex, admittedly, but lots of software supports it and one of my goals was not having to write my own thing. This meant I needed a CardDAV server, some way to sync the database to and from both Android and the system where I run mutt, and whatever query glue was necessary to get mutt to understand vCards. There are lots of different alternatives here, and if anything the problem was an embarrassment of choice. In the end I just decided to go for things that looked roughly the right shape for me and tried not to spend too much time in analysis paralysis. CardDAV server I went with Xandikos for the server, largely because I know Jelmer and have generally had pretty good experiences with their software, but also because using Git for history of the backend storage seems like something my future self will thank me for. It isn t packaged in stretch, but it s in Debian unstable, so I installed it from there. Rather than the standalone mode suggested on the web page, I decided to set it up in what felt like a more robust way using WSGI. I installed uwsgi, uwsgi-plugin-python3, and libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi, and created the following file in /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/xandikos.ini which I then symlinked into /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/xandikos.ini:
socket =
uid = xandikos
gid = xandikos
umask = 022
master = true
cheaper = 2
processes = 4
plugin = python3
module = xandikos.wsgi:app
env = XANDIKOSPATH=/srv/xandikos/collections
The port number was arbitrary, as was the path. You need to create the xandikos user and group first (adduser --system --group --no-create-home --disabled-login xandikos). I created /srv/xandikos owned by xandikos:xandikos and mode 0700, and I recommend setting a umask as shown above since uwsgi s default umask is 000 (!). You should also run sudo -u xandikos xandikos -d /srv/xandikos/collections --autocreate and then Ctrl-c it after a short time (I think it would be nicer if there were a way to ask the WSGI wrapper to do this). For Apache setup, I kept it reasonably simple: I ran a2enmod proxy_uwsgi, used htpasswd to create /etc/apache2/xandikos.passwd with a username and password for myself, added a virtual host in /etc/apache2/sites-available/xandikos.conf, and enabled it with a2ensite xandikos:
<VirtualHost *:443>
        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/xandikos-error.log
        TransferLog /var/log/apache2/xandikos-access.log
        <Location />
                ProxyPass "uwsgi://"
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Xandikos"
                AuthBasicProvider file
                AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/xandikos.passwd"
                Require valid-user
Then service apache2 reload, set the new virtual host up with Let s Encrypt, reloaded again, and off we go. Android integration I installed DAVdroid from the Play Store: it cost a few pounds, but I was OK with that since it s GPLv3 and I m happy to help fund free software. I created two accounts, one for my existing Google Contacts database (and in fact calendaring as well, although I don t intend to switch over to self-hosting that just yet), and one for the new Xandikos instance. The Google setup was a bit fiddly because I have two-step verification turned on so I had to create an app-specific password. The Xandikos setup was straightforward: base URL, username, password, and done. Since I didn t completely trust the new setup yet, I followed what seemed like the most robust option from the DAVdroid contacts syncing documentation, and used the stock contacts app to export my Google Contacts account to a .vcf file and then import that into the appropriate DAVdroid account (which showed up automatically). This seemed straightforward and everything got pushed to Xandikos. There are some weird delays in syncing contacts that I don t entirely understand, but it all seems to get there in the end. mutt integration First off I needed to sync the contacts. (In fact I happen to run mutt on the same system where I run Xandikos at the moment, but I don t want to rely on that, and going through the CardDAV server means that I don t have to poke holes for myself using filesystem permissions.) I used vdirsyncer for this. In ~/.vdirsyncer/config:
status_path = "~/.vdirsyncer/status/"
[pair contacts]
a = "contacts_local"
b = "contacts_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
[storage contacts_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.contacts/"
fileext = ".vcf"
[storage contacts_remote]
type = "carddav"
url = "<Xandikos base URL>"
username = "<my username>"
password = "<my password>"
Running vdirsyncer discover and vdirsyncer sync then synced everything into ~/.contacts/. I added an hourly crontab entry to run vdirsyncer -v WARNING sync. Next, I needed a command-line address book tool based on this. khard looked about right and is in stretch, so I installed that. In ~/.config/khard/khard.conf (this is mostly just the example configuration, but I preferred to sort by first name since not all my contacts have neat first/last names):
path = ~/.contacts/<UUID of my contacts collection>/
debug = no
default_action = list
editor = vim
merge_editor = vimdiff
[contact table]
# display names by first or last name: first_name / last_name
display = first_name
# group by address book: yes / no
group_by_addressbook = no
# reverse table ordering: yes / no
reverse = no
# append nicknames to name column: yes / no
show_nicknames = no
# show uid table column: yes / no
show_uids = yes
# sort by first or last name: first_name / last_name
sort = first_name
# extend contacts with your own private objects
# these objects are stored with a leading "X-" before the object name in the vcard files
# every object label may only contain letters, digits and the - character
# example:
#   private_objects = Jabber, Skype, Twitter
private_objects = Jabber, Skype, Twitter
# preferred vcard version: 3.0 / 4.0
preferred_version = 3.0
# Look into source vcf files to speed up search queries: yes / no
search_in_source_files = no
# skip unparsable vcard files: yes / no
skip_unparsable = no
Now khard list shows all my contacts. So far so good. Apparently there are some awkward vCard compatibility issues with creating or modifying contacts from the khard end. I ve tried adding one address from ~/.mutt/aliases using khard and it seems to at least minimally work for me, but I haven t explored this very much yet. I had to install python3-vobject from experimental to fix eventable/vobject#39 saving certain vCard files. Finally, mutt integration. I already had set query_command="lbdbq '%s'" in ~/.muttrc, and I wanted to keep that in place since I still wanted to use LDAP querying as well. I had to write a very small amount of code for this (perhaps I should contribute this to lbdb upstream?), in ~/.lbdb/modules/m_khard:
#! /bin/sh
m_khard_query ()  
    khard email --parsable --remove-first-line --search-in-source-files "$1"
My full ~/.lbdb/rc now reads as follows (you probably won t want the LDAP stuff, but I ve included it here for completeness):
METHODS='m_muttalias m_khard m_ldap'
LDAP_NICKS='debian canonical'
Next steps I ve deleted one account from Google Contacts just to make sure that everything still works (e.g. I can still search for it when composing a new message), but I haven t yet deleted everything. I won t be adding anything new there though. I need to push everything from ~/.mutt/aliases into the new system. This is only about 30 contacts so shouldn t take too long. Overall this feels like a big improvement! It wasn t a trivial amount of setup for just me, but it means I have both better usability for myself and more independence from proprietary services, and I think I can add extra users with much less effort if I need to. Postscript A day later and I ve consolidated all my accounts from Google Contacts and ~/.mutt/aliases into the new system, with the exception of one group that I had defined as a mutt alias and need to work out what to do with. This all went smoothly. I ve filed the new lbdb module as #866178, and the python3-vobject bug as #866181.

6 April 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 101 in Stretch cycle

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday March 26 and Saturday April 1 2017: Media coverage Sylvain Beucler wrote a follow-up post Practical basics of reproducible builds 2, which like last weeks article is about his experiences making software build reproducibly. Reproducible work in other projects Colin Watson started writing a patch to make launchpad store .buildinfo files. (It's not yet deployed.) Toolchain development and fixes Ximin Luo continued to work on BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP patches for GCC 6 and dpkg. Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Chris Lamb: Mattia Rizzolo: Reviews of unreproducible packages 49 package reviews have been added, 25 have been updated and 42 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 1 issue type has been updated: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development diffoscope 81 was uploaded to experimental by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: reprotest development reprotest development continued in git, including contributions from: development development continued in git, including contributions from: reproducible-website development Holger switched and to letsencrypt certificates. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo and Holger Levsen & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

11 December 2016

Colin Watson: The sad tale of CVE-2015-1336

Today I released man-db 2.7.6 (announcement, NEWS, git log), and uploaded it to Debian unstable. The major change in this release was a set of fixes for two security vulnerabilities, one of which affected all man-db installations since 2.3.12 (or 2.3.10-66 in Debian), and the other of which was specific to Debian and its derivatives. It s probably obvious from the dates here that this has not been my finest hour in terms of responding to security issues in a timely fashion, and I apologise for that. Some of this is just the usual life reasons, which I shan t bore you by reciting, but some of it has been that fixing this properly in man-db was genuinely rather complicated and delicate. Since I ve previously advocated man-db over some of its competitors on the basis of a better security posture, I think it behooves me to write up a longer description. I took over maintaining man-db over fifteen years ago in slightly unexpected circumstances (I got annoyed with its bug list and made a couple of non-maintainer uploads, and then the previous maintainer died, so I ended up taking over both in Debian and upstream). I was a fairly new developer at the time, and there weren t a lot of people I could ask questions of, but I did my best to recover as much of the history as I could and learn from it. One thing that became clear very quickly, both from my own inspection and from the bug list, was that most of the code had been written in a rather more innocent time. It was absolutely riddled with dangerous uses of the shell, poor temporary file handling, buffer overruns, and various common-or-garden deficiencies of that kind. I spent several years reworking large swathes of the codebase to be more robust against those kinds of bugs by design, and for example libpipeline came out of that effort. The most subtle and risky set of problems came from the fact that the man and mandb programs were installed set-user-id to the man user. Part of this was so that man could maintain preformatted cat pages , and part of it was so that users could run mandb if the system databases were out of date (this is now much less useful since most package managers, including dpkg, support some kind of trigger mechanism that can run mandb whenever new system-level manual pages are installed). One of the first things I did was to make this optional, and this has been a disabled-by-default debconf option in Debian for a long time now. But it s still a supported option and is enabled by default upstream, and when running setuid man and mandb need to take care to drop privileges when dealing with user-controlled data and to write files with the appropriate ownership and permissions. My predecessor had problems related to this such as Debian #26002, and one of the ways they dealt with them was to make /var/cache/man/ set-group-id root, in order that files written to that directory would have consistent group ownership. This always struck me as rather strange and I meant to do something about it at some point, but until the first vulnerability report above I regarded it as mainly a curiosity, since nothing in there was group-writeable anyway. As a result, with the more immediate aim of making the system behave consistently and dealing with bug reports, various bits of code had accreted that assumed that /var/cache/man/ would be man:root 2755, and not all of it was immediately obvious. This interacted with the second vulnerability report in two ways. Firstly, at some level it caused it because I was dealing with the day-to-day problems rather than thinking at a higher level: a series of bugs led me down the path of whacking problems over the head with a recursive chown of /var/cache/man/ from cron, rather than working out why things got that way in the first place. Secondly, once I d done that, I couldn t remove the chown without a much more extensive excursion into all the code that dealt with cache files, for fear of reintroducing those bugs. So although the fix for the second vulnerability is very simple in itself, I couldn t get there without dealing with the first vulnerability. In some ways, of course, cat pages are a bit of an anachronism. Most modern systems can format pages quickly enough that it s not much of an issue. However, I m loath to drop the feature entirely: I m generally wary of assuming that just because I have a fast system that everyone does. So, instead, I did what I should have done years ago: make man and mandb set-group-id man as well as set-user-id man, at which point we can simply make all the cache files and directories be owned by man:man and drop the setgid bit on cache directories. This should be simpler and less prone to difficult-to-understand problems. I expect that my next substantial upstream release will switch to --disable-setuid by default to reduce exposure, though, and distributions can start thinking about whether they want to follow that (Fedora already does, for example). If this becomes widely disabled without complaints then that would be good evidence that it s reasonable to drop the feature entirely. I m not in a rush, but if you do need cat pages then now is a good time to write to me and tell me why. This is the fiddliest set of vulnerabilities I ve dealt with in man-db for quite some time, so I hope that if there are more then I can get back to my previous quick response time.

3 December 2016

Ross Gammon: My Open Source Contributions June November 2016

So much for my monthly blogging! Here s what I have been up to in the Open Source world over the last 6 months. Debian Ubuntu Other Plan for December Debian Before the 5th January 2017 Debian Stretch soft freeze I hope to: Ubuntu Other

1 October 2016

Vincent Sanders: Paul Hollywood and the pistoris stone

There has been a great deal of comment among my friends recently about a particularly British cookery program called "The Great British Bake Off". There has been some controversy as the program is moving from the BBC to a commercial broadcaster.

Part of this discussion comes from all the presenters, excepting Paul Hollywood, declining to sign with the new broadcaster and partly because of speculation the BBC might continue with a similar format show with a new name.

Rob Kendrick provided the start to this conversation by passing on a satirical link suggesting Samuel L Jackson might host "cakes on a plane"

This caused a large number of suggestions for alternate names which I will be reporting but Rob Kendrick, Vivek Das Mohapatra, Colin Watson, Jonathan McDowell, Oki Kuma, Dan Alderman, Dagfinn Ilmari Manns ke, Lesley Mitchell and Daniel Silverstone are the ones to blame.

So that is our list, anyone else got better ideas?

8 April 2016

Colin Watson: No more Hash Sum Mismatch errors

The Debian repository format was designed a long time ago. The oldest versions of it were produced with the help of tools such as dpkg-scanpackages and consumed by dselect access methods such as dpkg-ftp. The access methods just fetched a Packages file (perhaps compressed) and used it as an index of which packages were available; each package had an MD5 checksum to defend against transport errors, but being from a more innocent age there was no repository signing or other protection against man-in-the-middle attacks. An important and intentional feature of the early format was that, apart from the top-level Packages file, all other files were static in the sense that, once published, their content would never change without also changing the file name. This means that repositories can be efficiently copied around using rsync without having to tell it to re-checksum all files, and it avoids network races when fetching updates: the repository you re updating from might change in the middle of your update, but as long as the repository maintenance software keeps superseded packages around for a suitable grace period, you ll still be able to fetch them. The repository format evolved rather organically over time as different needs arose, by what one might call distributed consensus among the maintainers of the various client tools that consumed it. Of course all sorts of fields were added to the index files themselves, which have an extensible format so that this kind of thing is usually easy to do. At some point a Sources index for source packages was added, which worked pretty much the same way as Packages except for having a different set of fields. But by far the most significant change to the repository structure was the package pools project. The original repository layout put the packages themselves under the dists/ tree along with the index files. The dists/ tree is organised by suite (modern examples of which would be stable , stable-updates , testing , unstable , xenial , xenial-updates , and so on). This meant that making a release of Debian tended to involve copying lots of data around, and implementing the testing suite would have been very costly. Package pools solved this problem by moving individual package files out of dists/ and into a new pool/ tree, allowing those files to be shared between multiple suites with only a negligible cost in disk space and mirror bandwidth. From a database design perspective this is obviously much more sensible. As part of this project, the original Debian dinstall repository maintenance scripts were replaced by da-katie or dak , which among other things used a new apt-ftparchive program to build the index files; this replaced dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources, and included its own database cache which made a big difference to performance at the scale of a distribution. A few months after the initial implementation of package pools, Release files were added. These formed a sort of meta-index for each suite, telling APT which index files were available (main/binary-i386/Packages, non-free/source/Sources, and so on) and what their checksums were. Detached signatures were added alongside that (Release.gpg) so that it was now possible to fetch packages securely given a public key for the repository, and client-side verification support for this eventually made its way into Debian and Ubuntu. The repository structure stayed more or less like this for several years. At some point along the way, those of us by now involved in repository maintenance realised that an important property had been lost. I mentioned earlier that the original format allowed race-free updates, but this was no longer true with the introduction of the Release file. A client now had to fetch Release and then fetch whichever other index files such as Packages they wanted, typically in separate HTTP transactions. If a client was unlucky, these transactions would fall on either side of a mirror update and they d get a Hash Sum Mismatch error from APT. Worse, if a mirror was unlucky and also didn t go to special lengths to verify index integrity (most don t), its own updates could span an update of its upstream mirror and then all its clients would see mismatches until the next mirror update. This was compounded by using detached signatures, so Release and Release.gpg were fetched separately and could be out of sync. Fixing this has been a long road (the first time I remember talking about this was in late 2007!), and we ve had to take care to maintain client/server compatibility along the way. The first step was to add inline-signed versions of the Release file, called InRelease, so that there would no longer be a race between fetching Release and fetching its signature. APT has had this for a while, Debian s repository supports it as of stretch, and we finally implemented it for Ubuntu six months ago. Dealing with the other index files is more complicated, though; it isn t sensible to inline them, as clients usually only need to fetch a small fraction of all the indexes available for a given suite. The solution we ve ended up with, thanks to Michael Vogt s work implementing it in APT, is called by-hash and should be familiar in concept to people who ve used git: with the exception of the top-level InRelease file, index files for suites that support the by-hash mechanism may now be fetched using a URL based on one of their hashes listed in InRelease. This means that clients can now operate like this: This is now enabled by default in Ubuntu. It s only there as of xenial (16.04), since earlier versions of Ubuntu don t have the necessary support in APT. With this, hash mismatches on updates should be a thing of the past. There will still be some people who won t yet benefit from this. debmirror doesn t support by-hash yet; apt-cacher-ng only supports it as of xenial, although there s an easy configuration workaround. Full archive mirrors must make sure that they put new by-hash files in place before new InRelease files (I just fixed our recommended two-stage sync script to do this; ubumirror still needs some work; Debian s ftpsync is almost correct but needs a tweak for its handling of translation files, which I ve sent to its maintainers). Other mirrors and proxies that have specific handling of the repository format may need similar changes. Please let me know if you see strange things happening as a result of this change. It s useful to check the output of apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update to see exactly what requests are being issued.

30 March 2016

Colin Watson: Re-signing PPAs

Julian has written about their efforts to strengthen security in APT, and shortly before that notified us that Launchpad s signatures on PPAs use weak SHA-1 digests. Unfortunately we hadn t noticed that before; GnuPG s defaults tend to result in weak digests unless carefully tweaked, which is a shame. I started on the necessary fixes for this immediately we heard of the problem, but it s taken a little while to get everything in place, and I thought I d explain why since some of the problems uncovered are interesting in their own right. Firstly, there was the relatively trivial matter of using SHA-512 digests on new signatures. This was mostly a matter of adjusting our configuration, although writing the test was a bit tricky since PyGPGME isn t as helpful as it could be. (Simpler repository implementations that call gpg from the command line should probably just add the --digest-algo SHA512 option instead of imitating this.) After getting that in place, any change to a suite in a PPA will result in it being re-signed with SHA-512, which is good as far as it goes, but we also want to re-sign PPAs that haven t been modified. Launchpad hosts more than 50000 active PPAs, though, a significant percentage of which include packages for sufficiently recent Ubuntu releases that we d want to re-sign them for this. We can t expect everyone to push new uploads, and we need to run this through at least some part of our usual publication machinery rather than just writing a hacky shell script to do the job (which would have no idea which keys to sign with, to start with); but forcing full reprocessing of all those PPAs would take a prohibitively long time, and at the moment we need to interrupt normal PPA publication to do this kind of work. I therefore had to spend some quality time working out how to make things go fast enough. The first couple of changes (1, 2) were to add options to our publisher script to let us run just the one step we need in careful mode: that is, forcibly re-run the Release file processing step even if it thinks nothing has changed, and entirely disable the other steps such as generating Packages and Sources files. Then last week I finally got around to timing things on one of our staging systems so that we could estimate how long a full run would take. It was taking a little over two seconds per archive, which meant that if we were to re-sign all published PPAs then that would take more than 33 hours! Obviously this wasn t viable; even just re-signing xenial would be prohibitively slow. The next question was where all that time was going. I thought perhaps that the actual signing might be slow for some reason, but it was taking about half a second per archive: not great, but not enough to account for most of the slowness. The main part of the delay was in fact when we committed the database transaction after processing each archive, but not in the actual PostgreSQL commit, rather in the ORM invalidate method called to prepare for a commit. Launchpad uses the excellent Storm for all of its database interactions. One property of this ORM (and possibly of others; I ll cheerfully admit to not having spent much time with other ORMs) is that it uses a WeakValueDictionary to keep track of the objects it s populated with database results. Before it commits a transaction, it iterates over all those alive objects to note that if they re used in future then information needs to be reloaded from the database first. Usually this is a very good thing: it saves us from having to think too hard about data consistency at the application layer. But in this case, one of the things we did at the start of the publisher script was:
def getPPAs(self, distribution):
    """Find private package archives for the selected distribution."""
    if (self.isCareful(self.options.careful_publishing) or
        return distribution.getAllPPAs()
        return distribution.getPendingPublicationPPAs()
def getTargetArchives(self, distribution):
    """Find the archive(s) selected by the script's options."""
    if self.options.partner:
        return [distribution.getArchiveByComponent('partner')]
    elif self.options.ppa:
        return filter(is_ppa_public, self.getPPAs(distribution))
    elif self.options.private_ppa:
        return filter(is_ppa_private, self.getPPAs(distribution))
    elif self.options.copy_archive:
        return self.getCopyArchives(distribution)
        return [distribution.main_archive]
That innocuous-looking filter means that we do all the public/private filtering of PPAs up-front and return a list of all the PPAs we intend to operate on. This means that all those objects are alive as far as Storm is concerned and need to be considered for invalidation on every commit, and the time required for that stacks up when many thousands of objects are involved: this is essentially accidentally quadratic behaviour, because all archives are considered when committing changes to each archive in turn. Normally this isn t too bad because only a few hundred PPAs need to be processed in any given run; but if we re running in a mode where we re processing all PPAs rather than just ones that are pending publication, then suddenly this balloons to the point where it takes a couple of seconds. The fix is very simple, using an iterator instead so that we don t need to keep all the objects alive:
from itertools import ifilter
def getTargetArchives(self, distribution):
    """Find the archive(s) selected by the script's options."""
    if self.options.partner:
        return [distribution.getArchiveByComponent('partner')]
    elif self.options.ppa:
        return ifilter(is_ppa_public, self.getPPAs(distribution))
    elif self.options.private_ppa:
        return ifilter(is_ppa_private, self.getPPAs(distribution))
    elif self.options.copy_archive:
        return self.getCopyArchives(distribution)
        return [distribution.main_archive]
After that, I turned to that half a second for signing. A good chunk of that was accounted for by the signContent method taking a fingerprint rather than a key, despite the fact that we normally already had the key in hand; this caused us to have to ask GPGME to reload the key, which requires two subprocess calls. Converting this to take a key rather than a fingerprint gets the per-archive time down to about a quarter of a second on our staging system, about eight times faster than where we started. Using this, we ve now re-signed all xenial Release files in PPAs using SHA-512 digests. On production, this took about 80 minutes to iterate over around 70000 archives, of which 1761 were modified. Most of the time appears to have been spent skipping over unmodified archives; even a few hundredths of a second per archive adds up quickly there. The remaining time comes out to around 0.4 seconds per modified archive. There s certainly still room for speeding this up a bit. We wouldn t want to do this procedure every day, but it s acceptable for occasional tasks like this. I expect that we ll similarly re-sign wily, vivid, and trusty Release files soon in the same way.

19 February 2016

Joey Hess: Ubuntu trademark nonsense

Canonical appear to require that you remove all trademarks entirely even if using them wouldn't be a violation of trademark law.
-- Matthew Garrett Each time Matthew brings this up, and as evidence continues to mount that Canonical either actually intends their IP policy to be read that way, or is intentionally keeping the situation unclear to FUD derivatives, I start wondering about references to Ubuntu in my software. Should such references be removed, or obscured, like "U*NIX" in software of old, to prevent exposing users to this trademark nonsense?
joey@darkstar:~/src/git-annex>git grep -i ubuntu  wc -l
joey@darkstar:~/src/ikiwiki>git grep -i ubuntu  wc -l
joey@darkstar:~/src/etckeeper>git grep -i ubuntu  wc -l
Most of the code in git-annex, ikiwiki, and etckeeper is licensed under the GPL or AGPL, and so Canonical's IP policy probably does not require that anyone basing a distribution on Ubuntu strip all references to "Ubuntu" from them. But then, there's Propellor:
joey@darkstar:~/src/propellor>git grep -i ubuntu  wc -l
Propellor is BSD licensed. It's in Ubuntu universe. It not only references Ubuntu in documentation, but contains code that uses that trademark:
data Distribution
        = Debian DebianSuite
          Ubuntu Release
So, if an Ubuntu-derived distribution has to remove "Ubuntu" from Propellor, they'd end up with a Propellor that either differs from upstream, or that can't be used to manage Ubuntu systems. Neither choice is good for users. Probably most small derived distributions would not have expertise to patch data types in a Haskell program and would have to skip including Propellor. That's not good for Propellor getting wide distribution either. I think I've convinced myself it would be for the best to remove all references to "Ubuntu" from Propellor.
done Similarly, Debconf is BSD licensed. I originally wrote it, but it's now maintained by Colin Watson, who works for Canonical. If I were still maintaining Debconf, I'd be looking at removing all instances of "Ubuntu" from it and preventing that and other Canonical trademarks from slipping back in later. Alternatively, I'd be happy to re-license all Debconf code that I wrote under the AGPL-3+. Update: Another package that comes to mind is Debootstrap, which is also BSD licensed. Of course it contains "Ubuntu" in lots of places, since it is how Ubuntu systems are built. I'm no longer an active developer of Debootstrap, but I hope its current developers carefully consider how this trademark nonsense affects it. PS: Shall we use "*buntu" as the, erm, canonical trademark-free spelling of "Ubuntu"? Seems most reasonable, unless Canonical has trademarked that too.

2 December 2015

Colin Watson: SSH SHA-2 support in Twisted

Launchpad operates a few SSH endpoints: and for code hosting, and and for uploading packages. None of these are straightforward OpenSSH servers, because they don t give ordinary shell access and they authenticate against users SSH keys recorded in Launchpad; both of these are much easier to do with SSH server code that we can use in library form as part of another service. We use Twisted for several other tasks where we need event-based networking code, and its conch package is a good fit for this. Of course, this means that it s important that conch keeps up to date with the cryptographic state of the art in other SSH implementations, and this hasn t always been the case. OpenSSH 7.0 dropped support for some old algorithms, including disabling the 1024-bit diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange method at run-time. Unfortunately, this also happened to be the only key exchange method that Launchpad s SSH endpoints supported (conch supported the slightly better diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 method as well, but that was disabled in Launchpad due to a missing piece of configuration). SHA-2 support was clearly called for, and the fact that we had to get this sorted out in conch first meant that everything took a bit longer than we d hoped. In Twisted 15.5, we contributed support for several conch improvements: Between them and with some adjustments to the lazr.sshserver package we use to glue all this together to add support for DH group exchange, these are enough to allow us not to rely on SHA-1 at all, and these improvements have now been rolled out to all four endpoints listed above. I ve thus also uploaded OpenSSH 7.1 packages to Debian unstable. If you also run a Twisted-based SSH server, upgrade it now! Otherwise it will be harder for users of recent OpenSSH client versions to use your server, and for good reason.

15 November 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 29 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Emmanuel Bourg uploaded eigenbase-resgen/ which uses of the scm-safe comment style by default to make them deterministic. Mattia Rizzolo started a new thread on debian-devel to ask a wider audience for issues about the -Wdate-time compile time flag. When enabled, GCC and clang print warnings when __DATE__, __TIME__, or __TIMESTAMP__ are used. Having the flag set by default would prompt maintainers to remove these source of unreproducibility from the sources. Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: bmake, cyrus-imapd-2.4, drobo-utils, eigenbase-farrago, fhist, fstrcmp, git-dpm, intercal, libexplain, libtemplates-parser, mcl, openimageio, pcal, powstatd, ruby-aggregate, ruby-archive-tar-minitar, ruby-bert, ruby-dbd-odbc, ruby-dbd-pg, ruby-extendmatrix, ruby-rack-mobile-detect, ruby-remcached, ruby-stomp, ruby-test-declarative, ruby-wirble, vtprint. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: The fifth and sixth armhf build nodes have been set up, resulting in five more builder jobs for armhf. More than 10,000 packages have now been identified as reproducible with the reproducible toolchain on armhf. (Vagrant Cascadian, h01ger) Helmut Grohne and Mattia Rizzolo now have root access on all 12 build nodes used by and (h01ger) is now linked from all package pages and the dashboard. (h01ger) profitbricks-build5-amd64 and profitbricks-build6-amd64, responsible for running amd64 tests now run 398.26 days in the future. This means that one of the two builds that are being compared will be run on a different minute, hour, day, month, and year. This is not yet the case for armhf. FreeBSD tests are also done with 398.26 days difference. (h01ger) The design of the Arch Linux test page has been greatly improved. (Levente Polyak) diffoscope development Three releases of diffoscope happened this week numbered 39 to 41. It includes support for EPUB files (Reiner Herrmann) and Free Pascal unit files, usually having .ppu as extension (Paul Gevers). The rest of the changes were mostly targetting at making it easier to run diffoscope on other systems. The tlsh, rpm, and debian modules are now all optional. The test suite will properly skip tests that need optional tools or modules when they are not available. As a result, diffosope is now available on PyPI and thanks to the work of Levente Polyak in Arch Linux. Getting these versions in Debian was a bit cumbersome. Version 39 was uploaded with an expired key (according to the keyring on which will hopefully be updated soon) which is currently handled by keeping the files in the queue without REJECTing them. This prevented any other Debian Developpers to upload the same version. Version 40 was uploaded as a source-only upload but failed to build from source which had the undesirable side effect of removing the previous version from unstable. The package faild to build from source because it was built passing -I to debbuild. This excluded the ELF object files and static archives used by the test suite from the archive, preventing the test suite to work correctly. Hopefully, in a nearby future it will be possible to implement a sanity check to prevent such mistakes in the future. It has also been identified that ppudump outputs time in the system timezone without considering the TZ environment variable. Zachary Vance and Paul Gevers raised the issue on the appropriate channels. strip-nondeterminism development Chris Lamb released strip-nondeterminism version 0.014-1 which disables stripping Mono binaries as it is too aggressive and the source of the problem is being worked on by Mono upstream. Package reviews 133 reviews have been removed, 115 added and 103 updated this week. Chris West and Chris Lamb reported 57 new FTBFS bugs. Misc. The video of h01ger and Chris Lamb's talk at MiniDebConf Cambridge is now available. h01ger gave a talk at CCC Hamburg on November 13th, which was well received and sparked some interest among Gentoo folks. Slides and video should be available shortly. Frederick Kautz has started to revive Dhiru Kholia's work on testing Fedora packages. Your editor wish to once again thank #debian-reproducible regulars for reviewing these reports weeks after weeks.

9 November 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 28 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Chris Lamb filled a bug on python-setuptools with a patch to make the generated requires.txt files reproducible. The patch has been forwarded upstream. Chris also understood why the she-bang in some Python scripts kept being undeterministic: setuptools as called by dh-python could skip re-installing the scripts if the build had been too fast (under one second). #804339 offers a patch fixing the issue by passing --force to install. #804141 reported on gettext asks for support of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in gettextize. Santiago Vila pointed out that it doesn't felt appropriate as gettextize is supposed to be an interactive tool. The problem reported seems to be in avahi build system instead. Packages fixed The following packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: celestia, dsdo, fonts-taml-tscu, fte, hkgerman, ifrench-gut, ispell-czech, maven-assembly-plugin, maven-project-info-reports-plugin, python-avro, ruby-compass, signond, thepeg, wagon2, xjdic. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Chris Lamb closed a wrongly reopened bug against haskell-devscripts that was actually a problem in haddock. FreeBSD tests are now run for three branches: master, stable/10, release/10.2.0. (h01ger) diffoscope development Support has been added for Free Pascal unit files (.ppc). (Paul Gevers) The homepage is now available using HTTPS, thanks to Let's Encrypt!. Work has been done to be able to publish diffoscope on the Python Package Index (also known as PyPI): the tlsh module is now optional, compatibility with python-magic has been added, and the fallback code to handle RPM has been fixed. Documentation update Reiner Herrmann, Paul Gevers, Niko Tyni, opi, and Dhole offered various fixes and wording improvements to the A mailing-list is now available to receive change notifications. NixOS, Guix, and Baserock are featured as projects working on reproducible builds. Package reviews 70 reviews have been removed, 74 added and 17 updated this week. Chris Lamb opened 22 new fail to build from source bugs. New issues this week: randomness_in_ocaml_provides, randomness_in_qdoc_page_id, randomness_in_python_setuptools_requires_txt, gettext_creates_ChangeLog_files_and_entries_with_current_date. Misc. h01ger and Chris Lamb presented Beyond reproducible builds at the MiniDebConf in Cambridge on November 8th. They gave an overview of where we stand and the changes in user tools, infrastructure, and development practices that we might want to see happening. Feedback on these thoughts are welcome. Slides are already available, and the video should be online soon. At the same event, a meeting happened with some members of the release team to discuss the best strategy regarding releases and reproducibility. Minutes have been posted on the Debian reproducible-builds mailing-list.

4 October 2015

Johannes Schauer: new sbuild release 0.66.0

I just released sbuild 0.66.0-1 into unstable. It fixes a whopping 30 bugs! Thus, I'd like to use this platform to: And a super big thank you to Roger Leigh who, despite having resigned from Debian, was always available to give extremely helpful hints, tips, opinion and guidance with respect to sbuild development. Thank you! Here is a list of the major changes since the last release:

3 August 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 14 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes akira submitted a patch to make cdbs export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. She uploded a package with the enhancement to the experimental reproducible repository. Packages fixed The following 15 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: dracut, editorconfig-core, elasticsearch, fish, libftdi1, liblouisxml, mk-configure, nanoc, octave-bim, octave-data-smoothing, octave-financial, octave-ga, octave-missing-functions, octave-secs1d, octave-splines, valgrind. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: In contrib, Dmitry Smirnov improved libdvd-pkg with 1.3.99-1-1. Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Four armhf build hosts were provided by Vagrant Cascadian and have been configured to be used by Work on including armhf builds in the webpages has begun. So far the repository comparison page just shows us which armhf binary packages are currently missing in our repo. (h01ger) The scheduler has been changed to re-schedule more packages from stretch than sid, as the gcc5 transition has started This mostly affects build log age. (h01ger) A new depwait status has been introduced for packages which can't be built because of missing build dependencies. (Mattia Rizzolo) debbindiff development Finally, on August 31st, Lunar released debbindiff 27 containing a complete overhaul of the code for the comparison stage. The new architecture is more versatile and extensible while minimizing code duplication. libarchive is now used to handle cpio archives and iso9660 images through the newly packaged python-libarchive-c. This should also help support a couple other archive formats in the future. Symlinks and devices are now properly compared. Text files are compared as Unicode after being decoded, and encoding differences are reported. Support for Sqlite3 and Mono/.NET executables has been added. Thanks to Valentin Lorentz, the test suite should now run on more systems. A small defiency in unquashfs has been identified in the process. A long standing optimization is now performed on Debian package: based on the content of the md5sums control file, we skip comparing files with matching hashes. This makes debbindiff usable on packages with many files. Fuzzy-matching is now performed for files in the same container (like a tarball) to handle renames. Also, for Debian .changes, listed files are now compared without looking the embedded version number. This makes debbindiff a lot more useful when comparing different versions of the same package. Based on the rearchitecturing work has been done to allow parallel processing. The branch now seems to work most of the time. More test needs to be done before it can be merged. The current fuzzy-matching algorithm, ssdeep, has showed disappointing results. One important use case is being able to properly compare debug symbols. Their path is made using the Build ID. As this identifier is made with a checksum of the binary content, finding things like CPP macros is much easier when a diff of the debug symbols is available. Good news is that TLSH, another fuzzy-matching algorithm, has been tested with much better results. A package is waiting in NEW and the code is ready for it to become available. A follow-up release 28 was made on August 2nd fixing content label used for gzip2, bzip2 and xz files and an error on text files only differing in their encoding. It also contains a small code improvement on how comments on Difference object are handled. This is the last release name debbindiff. A new name has been chosen to better reflect that it is not a Debian specific tool. Stay tuned! Documentation update Valentin Lorentz updated the patch submission template to suggest to write the kind of issue in the bug subject. Small progress have been made on the Reproducible Builds HOWTO while preparing the related CCCamp15 talk. Package reviews 235 obsolete reviews have been removed, 47 added and 113 updated this week. 42 reports for packages failing to build from source have been made by Chris West (Faux). New issue added this week: haskell_devscripts_locale_substvars. Misc. Valentin Lorentz wrote a script to report packages tested as unreproducible installed on a system. We encourage everyone to run it on their systems and give feedback!

26 July 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 12 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Eric Dorlan uploaded automake-1.15/1:1.15-2 which makes the output of mdate-sh deterministic. Original patch by Reiner Herrmann. Kenneth J. Pronovici uploaded epydoc/3.0.1+dfsg-8 which now honors SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Original patch by Reiner Herrmann. Chris Lamb submitted a patch to dh-python to make the order of the generated maintainer scripts deterministic. Chris also offered a fix for a source of non-determinism in dpkg-shlibdeps when packages have alternative dependencies. Dhole provided a patch to add support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to gettext. Packages fixed The following 78 packages became reproducible in our setup due to changes in their build dependencies: chemical-mime-data, clojure-contrib, cobertura-maven-plugin, cpm, davical, debian-security-support, dfc, diction, dvdwizard, galternatives, gentlyweb-utils, gifticlib, gmtkbabel, gnuplot-mode, gplanarity, gpodder, gtg-trace, gyoto, highlight.js, htp, ibus-table, impressive, jags, jansi-native, jnr-constants, jthread, jwm, khronos-api, latex-coffee-stains, latex-make, latex2rtf, latexdiff, libcrcutil, libdc0, libdc1394-22, libidn2-0, libint, libjava-jdbc-clojure, libkryo-java, libphone-ui-shr, libpicocontainer-java, libraw1394, librostlab-blast, librostlab, libshevek, libstxxl, libtools-logging-clojure, libtools-macro-clojure, litl, londonlaw, ltsp, macsyfinder, mapnik, maven-compiler-plugin, mc, microdc2, miniupnpd, monajat, navit, pdmenu, pirl, plm, scikit-learn, snp-sites, sra-sdk, sunpinyin, tilda, vdr-plugin-dvd, vdr-plugin-epgsearch, vdr-plugin-remote, vdr-plugin-spider, vdr-plugin-streamdev, vdr-plugin-sudoku, vdr-plugin-xineliboutput, veromix, voxbo, xaos, xbae. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: The statistics on the main page of are now updated every five minutes. A random unreviewed package is suggested in the look at a package form on every build. (h01ger) A new package set based new on the Core Internet Infrastructure census has been added. (h01ger) Testing of FreeBSD has started, though no results yet. More details have been posted to the freebsd-hackers mailing list. The build is run on a new virtual machine running FreeBSD 10.1 with 3 cores and 6 GB of RAM, also sponsored by Profitbricks. strip-nondeterminism development Andrew Ayer released version 0.009 of strip-nondeterminism. The new version will strip locales from Javadoc, include the name of files causing errors, and ignore unhandled (but rare) zip64 archives. debbindiff development Lunar continued its major refactoring to enhance code reuse and pave the way to fuzzy-matching and parallel processing. Most file comparators have now been converted to the new class hierarchy. In order to support for archive formats, work has started on packaging Python bindings for libarchive. While getting support for more archive formats with a common interface is very nice, libarchive is a stream oriented library and might have bad performance with how debbindiff currently works. Time will tell if better solutions need to be found. Documentation update Lunar started a Reproducible builds HOWTO intended to explain the different aspects of making software build reproducibly to the different audiences that might have to get involved like software authors, producers of binary packages, and distributors. Package reviews 17 obsolete reviews have been removed, 212 added and 46 updated this week. 15 new bugs for packages failing to build from sources have been reported by Chris West (Faux), and Mattia Rizzolo. Presentations Lunar presented Debian efforts and some recipes on making software build reproducibly at Libre Software Meeting 2015. Slides and a video recording are available. Misc. h01ger, dkg, and Lunar attended a Core Infrastructure Initiative meeting. The progress and tools mode for the Debian efforts were shown. Several discussions also helped getting a better understanding of the needs of other free software projects regarding reproducible builds. The idea of a global append only log, similar to the logs used for Certificate Transparency, came up on multiple occasions. Using such append only logs for keeping records of sources and build results has gotten the name Binary Transparency Logs . They would at least help identifying a compromised software signing key. Whether the benefits in using such logs justify the costs need more research.

21 April 2015

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo: About the Debian GNU/Linux port for OpenRISC or1k

In my previous post I mentioned my involvement with the OpenRISC or1k port. It was the technical activity in which I spent most time during 2014 (Debian and otherwise, day job aside). I thought that it would be nice to talk a bit about the port for people who don't know about it, and give an update for those who do know and care. So this post explains a bit how it came to be, details about its development, and finally the current status. It is going to be written as a rather personal account, for that matter, since I did not get involved enough in the OpenRISC community at large to learn much about its internal workings and aspects that I was not directly involved with. There is not much information about all of this elsewhere, only bits and pieces scattered here and there, but specially not much public information at all about the development of the Debian port. There is an OpenRISC entry in the Debian wiki, but it does not contain much information yet. Hopefully, this piece will help a bit to preserve history and give an insight for future porters. First Things First I imagine that most people reading this post will be familiar with the terminology, but just in case, to create a new Debian port means to get a Debian system (GNU/Linux variant, in this case) to run in the OpenRISC or1k computer architecture. Setting to one side all differences between hardware and software, and as described in their site:
The aim of the OpenRISC project is to create free and open source computing platforms
It is therefore a good match for the purposes of Debian and Free Software world in general. The processor has not been produced in silicon, or not available for the masses in any case. People with the necessary know-how can download the hardware description (Verilog) and synthesise it in a FPGA, or otherwise use simulators. It is not some piece of hardware that people can purchase yet, and there are no plans to mass-produce it in the near future either. The two people (including me) involved in this Debian port did not have the hardware, so we created the port entirely through cross-compiling from other architectures, and then compiling inside Qemu. In a sense, we were creating a Debian port for hardware that "does not [phisically] exist". The software that we built was tested by people who had hardware available in FPGA, though, so it was at least usable. I understand that people working in the arm64 port had to work similarly in the initial phases, working in the dark without access to real hardware to compile or test. The Spark The first time that I heard about the initiative to create the port was in late February of 2014, in a post which appeared in Linux Weekly News (sent by Paul Wise) and Slashdot. The original post announcing it was actually from late January, from Christian Svensson (blueCmd):
Some people know that I've been working on porting Glibc and doing some toolchain work. My evil master plan was to make a Debian port, and today I'm a happy hacker indeed! Below is a link to a screencast of me installing Debian for OpenRISC, installing python2.7 via apt-get (which you shouldn't do in or1ksim, it takes ages! (but it works!)) and running a small Python script.
So, now, what can a Debian Hacker do when reading this? (Even if one's Hackery Level is not that high, as it is my case). And well, How Hard Can It Be? I mean, Really? Well, in my own defence, I knew that the answer to the last two questions would be a resounding Very . But for some reason the idea grabbed me and I couldn't help but think that it would be a Really Exciting Project, and that somehow I would like to get involved. So I wrote to Christian offering my help after considering it for a few days, around mid March, and he welcomed me aboard. The Ball Was Already Rolling Christian had already been in contact with the people behind DebianBootstrap, and he had already created the repository with many packages of the base system and beyond (read: packages name_version_or1k.deb available to download and install). Still nowadays the packages are not signed with proper keys, though, so use your judgement if you want to try them. After a few weeks, I got up to speed with the status of the project and got my system working with the necessary tools. This meant basically sbuild/schroot to compile new packages, with the base system that Christian already got working, installed in a chroot, probably with the help of debootstrap, and qemu-system-or1k to simulate the system. Only a few of the packages were different from the version in Debian, like gcc, binutils or glibc -- they had not been upstreamed yet. sbuild ran through qemu-system-or1k, so the compilation of new packages could happen "natively" (running inside Qemu) rather than cross-compiling the packages, pulling _or1k.deb packages for dependencies from the repository that he had prepared, and _all.deb packages from I started by trying to get the packages that I [co-]maintain in Debian compiled for this architecture, creating the corresponding _or1k.deb. For most of them, though, I needed many dependencies compiled before I could even compile my packages. The GNU autotools / autoreconf Problem Since very early, many of the packages failed to build with messages such as:
Invalid configuration 'or1k-linux-gnu': machine 'or1k' not recognized
configure: error: /bin/bash ../config.sub or1k-linux-gnu failed
This means that software packages based on GNU autotools and using configure scripts need recent versions of the files config.sub and config.guess that they ship in their root directory, to be able to detect the architecture and generate the code accordingly. This is counter-intuitive, having into account that GNU autotools were designed to help with portability. Yet, in the case of creating new Debian ports, it meant that unless upstream had very recent versions of config. guess,sub , it would prevent the package to compile straight away in the new architectures -- even if invoking gcc without ado would have worked without problems in most cases for native compilation. Of course this did not only affect or1k, and there was already the autoreconf effort underway as a way to update these files automatically when building Debian packages, pushed by people porting Debian to the new architectures added in 2013/2014 (mips64el, arm64, ppc64el), which encountered the same roadblock. This affected around a thousand source packages in unstable. A Royal Pain. Also, all of their reverse dependencies (packages that depended on those to be built) could not be compiled straight away. The bugs were not Release Critical, though (none of these architectures were officially accepted at the time), so for people not concerned with the new ports there was no big incentive to get them fixed. This problem, which conceptually is easily solvable, prevented new ports to even attempt compile vast portions of the archive straight away (cleanly, without modifications to the package or to the host system), for weeks or months. The GNU autotools / autoreconf Solution We tackled this problem mainly in two ways. First, more useful for Debian in general, was to do as other porters were doing and submit bug reports and patches to Debian packages requesting them to use autoreconf, and NMUing packages (uploading changes to the archive without the official maintainers' intervention). A few NMUs were made for packages which had bug reports with patches available for a while, that were in the critical path to get many other packages compiled, and that were orphan or had almost no maintainer activity. The people working in the other new ports, and mainly Ubuntu people which helped with some of those ports and wanted to support them, had submitted a large amount of requests since late 2013, so there was no shortage of NMUs to be made. Some porters, not being Debian Developers, could not easily get the changes applied; so I also helped a bit the porters of other architectures, specially later on before the freeze of Jessie, to get as many packages compiled in those architectures as possible. The second way was to create dpkg-buildpackage hooks that updated unconditionally config. guess,sub before attempting to build the package in the local build system. This local and temporary solution allowed us in the or1k port to get many _or1k.deb packages in the experimental repository, which in turn would allow many more packages to compile. After a few weeks, I set up many sbuilds in a multi-core machine attempting to build uninterruptedly packages that were not previously built and which had their dependencies available. Every now and then (typically several times per day in peak times) I pushed the resulting _or1k.deb files to the repository, so more packages would have the necessary dependencies ready to attempt to build. Christian was doing something similar, and by April at peak times, among the two of us, we were compiling some days more than a hundred packages -- a huge amount of packages did not need any change other than up-to-date config. guess,sub files. At some point, late April, Christian set up wanna-build in a few hosts to do this more elegantly and smartly than my method, and more effectively as well. Ugly Hacks, Bugs and Shortcomings in the Toolchain and Qemu Some packages are extremely important because many other packages need them to compile (like cmake, Qt or GTK+), and they are themselves very complex and have dependency loops. They had deeper problems than the autoreconf issue and needed some seriously dirty hacking to get them built. To try to get as many packages compiled as possible, we sometimes compiled these important packages with some functionality disabled, disabling some binary packages (e.g. Java bindings) or specially disabling documentation (using DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nodoc when possible, and more aggressively when needed by removing chunks of debian/rules). I tried to use the more aggressive methods in as few packages as possible, though, about a dozen in total. We also used DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck for speeding up compilation and avoiding build failures -- many packages' tests failed due to qemu-system-or1k not supporting multi-threading, which we could do nothing about at the time, but otherwise the packages mostly passed tests fine. Due to bugs and shortcomings in Qemu and the toolchain --like the compiler lacking atomics, missing functionality in glibc, Qemu entering in endless loops, or programs segfaulting (especially gettext, used by many packages and causing the packages failing to build)--, we had to resort to some very creative ways or time-consuming dull work to edit debian/rules, or to create wrappers of the real programs avoiding or forcing certain options (like gcc -O0, since -O2 made buggy binaries too often). To avoid having a mix of cleanly compiled and hacked packages in the same repository, Christian set up a two-tiered repository system -- the clean one and the dirty one. In the dirty one we dumped all of the packages that we got built, no matter how. The packages in the clean one could use packages from the dirty one to build, but they themselves were compiled without any hackery. Of course this was not a completely airtight solution, since they could contain code injected at build time from the "dirty repository" (e.g. by static linking), and perhaps other quirks. We hoped to get rid of these problems later by rebuilding all packages against clean builds of all their dependencies. In addition, Christian also spent significant amounts of time working inside the OpenRISC community, debugging problems, testing and recompiling special versions of the toolchain that we could use to advance in our compilation of the whole archive. There were other people in the OpenRISC community implementing the necessary bits in the toolchain, but I don't know the details. Good Progress Olof Kindgren wrote the OpenRISC health report April 2014 (actually posted in May), explaining the status at the time of projects in the broad OpenRISC community, and talking about the software side, Debian port included. Sadly, I think that there have been no more "health reports" since then. There was also a new post in Slashdot entitled OpenRISC Gains Atomic Operations and Multicore Support shortly thereafter. In the side of the Debian port, from time to time new versions of packages entered unstable and we started to use those newer versions. Some of them had nice fixes, like the autoreconf updates, so they did not require local modifications. In other cases, the new versions failed to build when old ones had worked (e.g. because the newer versions added support and dependencies of new versions of gnutls, systemd or other packages not yet available for or1k), and we had to repeat or create more nasty hacks to get the packages built again. But in general, progress was very good. There were about 10k arch-dependent packages in Debian at the time, and we got about half of them compiled by the beginning of May, counting clean and dirty. And, if I recall correctly, there were around the same number of arch=all (which can be installed in any architecture, after the package is built in one of them). Counting both, it meant that systems using or1k got about 15k packages available, or 75% of the whole Debian archive (at least "main", we excluded "contrib" and "non-free"). Not bad. By the middle to end of May, we had about 6k arch-dependent packages compiled, and 4k to go. The count of packages eventually reached ~6.6k at its peak (I think that in June/July). Many had been built with hacks and not rebuilt cleanly yet, but everything was fine until the amount of packages built plateaued. Plateauing There were multiple reasons for that. One of them is that after having fixed the autoreconf issue locally in some packages, new versions were uploaded to Debian without fixing that problem (in many cases there was no bug report or patch yet, so it was understandable; in other cases the requests were ignored). The wanna-build for the clean repository set up by Christian rightly considered the package out-of-date and prepared to build the more recent version, that failed. Then, other packages entering the unstable archive and build-depending on newer versions of those could not be built ("BD-Uninstallable"), until we built the newer versions of the dependencies in the dirty repository with local hacks. Consequently, the count of cleanly built packages went back-and-forth, when not backwards. More challenging was the fact that when creating a new port, language compilers which are written in that same language need to be built for that architecture first. Sometimes it is not the compiler, but compile-time or run-time support for modules of a language are not ported yet. Obviously, as with other dependencies, large amounts of packages written in those languages are bound to remain uncompiled for a long time. As Colin Watson explained in porting Haskell's GHC to arm64 and ppc64el, untangling some of the chicken-and-egg problems of language compilers for new ports is extremely challenging. Perl and Python are pretty much a pre-requisite of the base Debian system, and Christian got them working early on. But for example in May, 247 packages depended on r-base-dev (GNU R) for building, and 736 on ghc, and we did not have these dependencies compiled. Just counting those two, 1k source packages of the remaining 4k to 5k to be compiled for the new architecture would have to wait for a long time. Then there was Java, Mono, etc... Even more worrying problems were the pending issues with the toolchain, like atomics in glibc, or make check failing for some packages in the clean repository built with wanna-build. Christian continued to work on the toolchain and liasing with the rest of the OpenRISC community, I continued to request more changes to the Debian archive through a few requests to use autoreconf, and pushing a few more NMUs. Though many requests were attended, I soon got negative replies/reactions and backed off a bit. In the meantime, the porters of other new architectures at the time were mostly submitting requests to support them and not NMUing much either. Upstreaming Things continued more or less in the same state until the end of the summer. The new ports needed as many packages built as possible before the evaluation of which official ports to accept (in early September, I think, the final decision around the time of the freeze). Porters of the other new architectures (and maintainers, and other helpful Debian Developers) were by then more active in pushing for changes, specially remaining autoreconf issues, many of which benefited or1k. As I said before, I also kept pushing NMUs now and then, specially during summer, for packages which were not of immediate benefit for our port but helped the others (e.g. ppc64el needed updates to for libtool which were not necessary for or1k, in addition to config. guess,sub ). In parallel in the or1k camp, there were patches that needed changes to be sent upstream, like for example Python's NumPy, that I submitted in May to the Debian package and upstream, and was uploaded to Debian in September with a new upstream release. Similar paths were followed between May and September for packages such as jemalloc, ocaml, gstreamer0.10, libgc, mesa,'s cf module and cmake (patch created by Christian). In April, Christian had reached the amazing milestone of tracking and getting all of the contributors of the port of GNU binutils to assign copyright to the Free Software Foundation (FSF), all of the work was refreshed and upstreamed. In July or August, he started to gather information about the contributors of the GCC port, which had started more than a decade ago. After that, nothing much happened (from the outside) until the end of the year, when Christian sent a message about the status of upstreaming GCC to the OpenRISC community. There was only one remaining person to assign the copyright to the FSF, but it was a blocker. In addition, there was the need to find one or more maintainers to liaise with upstream, review the patches, fix the remaining failures in the test suite and keeping the port in good shape. A few months after that and from what I could gather, the status remains the same. Current Status, and The Future? In terms of the Debian port, there have not been huge visible changes since the end of the summer, and not only because of the Jessie freeze. It seems that for this effort to keep going forward and be sustainable, sorting out the issues with GCC and Glibc is essential. That means having the toolchain completely pushed upstream and in good shape, and particularly completing the copyright assignment. Debian will not accept private forks of those essential packages without a very good reason even in unofficially supported ports; and from the point of view of porters, working in the remaining not-yet-built packages with continuing problems in the toolchain is very frustrating and time-consuming. Other than that, there is already a significant amount of software available that could run in an or1k system, so I think that overall the project has achieved a significant amount of success. Granted, KDE and LibreOffice are not available yet, neither are the tools depending on Haskell or Java. But a lot of software is available (including things high in the stack, like XFCE), and in many aspects it should provide a much more functional system that the one available in Linux (or other free software) systems in the late 1990s. If the blocking issues are sorted out in the near future, the effort needed to get a very functional port, on par with the unofficial Debian ports, should not be that big. In my opinion, and looking at the big picture, not bad at all for an architecture whose hardware implementation is not easy to come by, and in which the port was created almost solely with simulators. That it has been possible to get this far with such meagre resources, it's an amazing feat of Free Software and Debian in particular. As for the future, time will tell, as usual. I will try to keep you posted if there is any significant change in the future.

14 December 2014

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2014/49-50

it's getting harder to find "nice" RC bugs, due to the efforts of various bug hunters & the awesome auto-removal-from-testing feature. anyway, here's the list of bugs I worked on in the last 2 weeks:

16 November 2014

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2014/45-46

I was not much at home during the last two weeks, so not much to report about RC bug activities. some general observations:
  1. the RC bug count is still relatively low, even after lucas' archive rebuild.
  2. the release team is extremely fast in handling unblock request - kudos! pro tip: file them quickly after uploading, or some thing,one else might be faster :)
my small contributions:

